Online scheduling


Knead Time Away is has reopened online scheduling for anyone, including new clients. Appointment times are limited. The Book Now online button has been removed from this website and the Facebook page.

Gift Certificates "received" may still be redeemed. Gift Certificates are available for sale for reoccurring clients only. We understand how hard it is to find a good therapist. Some local options are: Muscle Therapy-Kathy Rothermel (815) 248-9088 and The Body Connection-Kelly Galvan (815) 541-4673 Book with Kelly Now

Appointments are being seen at The Therapy Clinic at 402 S. Center Road, Building A, Durand, IL 61024. The building is located between Medina Nursing Center and Monroe Clinic in the back of the Medina parking lot off of Center Street. The Therapy Clinic houses out-patient physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and massage therapy. Knead Time Away massage clinic operates independently within the clinic.

Current Rates

$55 30 min

$85 60 min

$115 90 min

$150 120 min

Thank you for your continued support.

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Copyright © Knead Time Away Massage Clinic : DURAND, IL 
402 S. Center Road, Durand, IL 61024